2011-11-05 - Derwood Loop with CM


~5.3 miles @ ~11.5 min/mi

"I won't put that into the run report!" I promise Cara Marie Manlandro. She says it would be ok to mention, but I demur. "Maybe within a literal, direct quote of your words," I say, "but only with your approval." Some Trail Talk topics are a bit too delicate to share.

CM and I trek around her 'hood early Saturday morning. It's slow, with walk breaks: she's coming back from weeks off due to hip pain, and I've had tummy trouble for the past day. I don't think it was the 'flu shot I had on Tuesday; perhaps it's something I ate?

We're both envious of Kate Abbott and Jennifer Weiland, who went sub-4 hours at the Marine Corps Marathon last Sunday. (see 2011-10-30 - MCM Tempo Run with Kate and Jennifer) CM suggests a speedwork drill from her varsity swimming days: go 1600m but take a split time at the 1200m mark. Then after recovery do 1200m faster than that recorded split, and take another split on the way at 800m. Repeat, descending that way 1600-1200-800-400-200 meters.

I point out that swimming is about four times harder than running, so we should really scale that workout to be 4 miles - 3 miles - 2 miles -1 mile - 1/2 mile, to get the equivalent. Maybe some day ...

(cf. GPS trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2011-11-16